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If we schedule a custom class for your company, we can list it here.

Your customers or contractors can sign up easily.

We can do our regular RRP or Continuing Competency Courses

at any place convenient for your people.

We also do Asbestos, Lead and Mold Awareness classes.

These can be combined with another class, if you prefer.

We can create custom courses just for you!


LOWES Classes:


The Lowes classes are at the Port Huron Store at 4200 24th Ave.  Ft. Gratiot 48059.



This is a private class for Wallside Windows subcontractors.

Held on April 30 from 9-5:30 at

27000 W Trolley Industrial Drive,

Taylor, Mi 48180

Use the link above to register.

This price is based on a projected roster of 12 people. If less sign up, there will be an additional surcharge of at least $10


Lowes and Alside Supply have each scheduled private classes for their customers. These classes make it easy and more affordable  for their customers to stay compliant with the EPA/HUD Lead Safe practices and certifications.


To register for one of these classes, click on the link above. You can then choose which class you would rather be in.

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